Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why I like Marigolds

Marigolds get no respect.

All photos - Copyright - ©2011 - La Casa e Il Giardino – picasaweb

Many people I know do not like marigolds because of their colors—gold, yellow, and orange which many people think are autumn colors.  Some people don’t care for the scent.  Others say that marigolds seem out of place in summer.  I think otherwise.

Petunias, impatiens, roses and hydrangeas are not the only flowers to decorate our yards in the summer.

I love marigolds. The colors are spectacular and when mixed with purple petunias or foliage and red geraniums, they make for a great show of color.

I also find marigolds to bloom reliably, are very low maintenance and some of us like that smell.

In the fall I pick the dried flower heads and save to plant the next spring.

I think marigolds are beautiful flowers.  I like them.  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I like Marigolds too. But sadly, so do the slugs, the sowbugs and whatever else keeps eating them. I have some lovely ones in my front yard right now!
