Friday, November 12, 2010

RIGATONI WITH YELLOW AND GREEN ZUCCHINI - (Rigatoni con Zucche Gialle e Verdi)

As you can see from the photo, the rigatoni are quite large.  In our town, they are referred to as "Maniche di Prete" (Priest's sleeves) or depending which town you go in Abruzzo, they are also called "Maniche di Frate" (Monk's sleeves) or "Maniche di Suora" (Sister's sleeves). 

Images: ©2010 - picasaweb

2 yellow zucchini (sliced)
2 green zucchini
1 lb. Rigatoni pasta
1/3 cup olive oil
1 onion chopped
4 fresh tomatoes (if available) or 1 can of tomatoes
Sprigs of basil and Italian parsley
Parmiggiano Reggiano
Salt and pepper to taste

In a pan add olive oil and saute' onion until golden.  Add chopped tomatoes, basil and parsley.  Simmer for 10 minutes.  Add sliced zucchini and continue to cook over low heat until tender.  In the meantime, cook pasta and drain.  Pour zucchini sauce over the pasta and shave some Parmigiano Reggiano.


  1. This looks beautiful! What a perfect way to take advantage of the summer zucchini harvest. I love the funny Italian names for pasta, especially when they playfully poke fun at the Church. My husband's family often prepares pasta using strozzapreti - it is always hard to explain that one to English speakers!

  2. Due Spaghetti - Thank you for stopping and commenting. I also checked out your website and became a follower.
