It's great to see that home winemaking remains alive and well.
Oak barrels (Botte)
Today, many Italian-American old-timers make wine in garages and basements from grapes trucked from California.
Home winemaking is an important pursuit among Italian-Americans in many US cities with a sizable Italian community. Winemaking is such an important part of the Italian community that many cities support several winemaking supply shops, wine competitions etc.
In addition to the raw materials (the pre-pressed must or the whole bunches of grapes), these winemaking supply stores sell the entire range of home winemaking supplies - different sizes of oak barrels going up to a capacity of 50 gallons, demijohns (damigiani) in case one prefers to ferment in glass, small basket presses, grinders and so on.
Grape Press (Pressa)
Whether you’re driven by quality, quantity or efficiency — or by the high-tech joy of using the latest home winemaking toy — these stores will help you decide what to buy. They will help you sift through the overabundance of specialized winemaking equipment to find tools and gadgets that match your budget, annual wine production and goals. Corks in all shapes and sizes (Suri)

We will be making our wine in a few weeks. Stay tuned....
alla SALUTE!!
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